Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hooked on Jerome, AZ

We had a field trip to Jerome a few weeks ago. Went to an old mining museum... really quirky place with tons of stuff to photograph. Just a few here...

First for all the ladies who let me get away... here's the other woman!

While we were waiting for everyone to meet back up later in the day a few of us went up about 20 feet of stairs to an outdoor park where there was a hippy family picnic going on. They were, of course, as intrigued by our cameras as we were of them. This image is looking down on the main drag in Jerome where there was some sort of biker festival going on.

1 comment:

  1. We liked Jerome, it was an interesting place, stuck in time.
    Lots of motorcycles and artists.
    Wearing shorts, stuck our hands in snow!
    Love the color photograph of HOOKS.

