Sunday, February 6, 2011

Imageworks show at ASU Central Library

Imageworks had its first opening reception for the Large Format show at the Central Library Vault Gallery at ASU on Friday, Jan. 21. 2011. The opening was well attended and the work is top notch. Photographs ranged from 4x5" contact prints to 11x14" contact prints to to 48x60" face mounted color prints.

Three 48x60" color images by Juan Garcia

32x40" pigmented ink prints by Richard M. Coda

The Vault Gallery is a very large space and can accommodate a large number of prints. The members of Imageworks are a varied group and many decided to do "something different" for this show, which emphasizes work created with large format cameras. Juan Garcia and I decided to make prints much larger than we are accustomed to and we were both pleased with the results.

Below are some random snapshots of the opening reception. There are two more receptions scheduled for Friday, Feb. 18 and Friday, March 18, both from 6 to 9 PM. If you are in the area and enjoy good photography, please come and visit the show.

And one final shot that I have to go back for with the 4x5 in color...