Saturday, October 10, 2009

Walk on the Wild Side

On my recent outing with John Prouty I photographed at the corner of 16th Street and Van Buren Street in Phoenix. Not the best area of town but worth photographing.

I had discovered this a few weeks ago while driving my daughter to a College Fair at the Phoenix Convention Center. They had just repainted the facade of this building and I could not believe the color choices. Dayglo Lime Green and Orange... side by side! I was also attracted to the signage and the windows plastered with newspapers. I told my daughter that I had to photograph this. She begged me to bring someone with me to watch my back while under the dark cloth.

I shot this on the 4x5 with a 450mm lens from across the street. There is a bus stop just outside the frame to the left. There was also what I would assume was a "working girl" waiting for the bus. I would have loved for her to be in the photo but the bus came before I could set the camera up and meter. Oh well, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo...

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