Saturday, January 23, 2010

Still... Life...

First, I have to admit that I am not a still life kinda guy... I prefer to be outdoors. I have done a very few over the past 30 years but never spent any real time learning about lighting and the like.

In December, we took our daughter Lindsay to the National Portfolio Days. She received very high praise, especially being "just" a high school sophomore. However, they all said that she needed to do more drawing/painting from life (not photos). She immediately got "in the zone" and we took her out to the Goodwill and several "shops" to get what she needed for her "Western" still life. She set everything up and even set my lights up. I was so impressed with her that I glommed onto her composition.

This is 4x5 using Portra 160 (only the second time I have used it). I'm happy. I've also included Lindsay in action.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lindsay - you have a LOT of talent - like your dad (I don't know much about your mom). Keep at it.

Joe Scherzer